“Things are terrible and amazing and confusing, and busy and beautiful and awe inspiring, and terrible again and then there are those days that are so quiet outside you can almost hear an acorn fall. Because sometimes the world closes, and the moon swells, and time slows, and suddenly you’ll remember for just a day to drop all else, and to choose (and remember) love.”

– Victoria Erickson

 Lynsie Seely, PhDc, MFT, is Wellspace’s incredible Assistant Director. Lynsie brings such warmth, intelligence, wisdom, and determination to her many hats at Wellspace. Needless to say, we were pretty excited to provide a close up look at who she is and how she works with clients in this recent interview:


Can you tell us a little about what inspired you to become a therapist?

I’ve always felt a deep connection to others and a curiosity to understand people and the world around me. It’s been in my nature since I was little. When I was figuring out what to study in college, it wasn’t even a question that I would go into psychology, it was more of a question of what I would do with my studies. Through various internships and working with people in pain, it grew on me that it was my life’s purpose to hold others in love through their moments of suffering and guide/support them in finding greater healing.

Since making the decision to become a marriage and family therapist, I know that I found a path that allows me to be doing the work I am called to do; and I continue to strive to grow beyond the field of psychology to dive deeper into all forms of healing. I feel incredibly blessed to be able to show up in this way for others, I am continually humbled, inspired, and in awe of the people I meet. What a gift it is to engage in this sacred work.

Can you share about your therapeutic approach and training, as well as any other ways you develop your professional work?

I’ve devoted my entire college and post-graduate education to attempting to understand the human experience on a multi-faceted level. That has taken me to explore a range of psychology courses from family systems to personality psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, sociology, somatics, trauma-informed approaches, nutrition, spiritual counseling, and religious/indeginious traditions from both the East and the West. My hope is that by studying these various lenses, I have a wide range of experience and knowledge from which to support people in attaining greater healing on multiple levels.

My therapeutic approach brings together the knowledge I mentioned above to honor the mind <CBT>, the heart/soul <self and depth-oriented psychology>, the body <somatic psychology>, and the spirit <mindfulness, spiritual counseling, Eastern and Western rituals/practices >. I hold that we are inherently whole and complete and that healing comes from integrating parts of ourselves that we have somehow dis-owned, disconnected from, or not fully acknowledged. We are complex beings who deserve to give voice to the entirety of our experience and by doing so, we can form a relationship with ourselves in a deeper way. This process opens up greater possibilities for healing, supports direct learning and change, and connects us to that brilliant spark of aliveness that lives in each and every one of us! In addition to the above, I have specialized training in trauma-informed techniques including: somatic experiencing and EMDR. I am also a 500 hour certified yoga teacher and level II Reiki practitioner, trained by the Yandara Yoga Institute.

Who do you work with? What do you specialize in?

Clients who typically feel drawn to work with me are looking for a deeper connection to themselves and to step into greater healing from ailments such as trauma, feelings of low self worth, depression, anxiety, somatic complaints, and stuckness. I have a niche for working with people who identify as highly sensitive and may feel easily overwhelmed by their emotions or being in particular situations, as well as adults who grew up with emotionally immature parents. Young adults who are feeling lost and unsure about their life path, those who are coming across challenges in relationships, and people who are wanting to deepen their spirituality also feel called to work with me.

Can you name any experiences you’ve had that proved formative in your personal/professional development?

My own personal journey has deeply guided my work as a therapist and has inspired me to work from a holistic lens–honoring the powerful connection between the body, mind, heart/soul, and spirit. Struggling with health issues has given me a first-hand understanding of how physical and mental health are intricately intertwined, which encouraged me to expand my knowledge of mental health to include body-based practices and adopt an overall holistic perspective that includes all aspects of being human.

What do you do for fun? What brings you joy?

YES! Fun and joy! My favorite question! One of my favorite things to do is to have a “day of spontaneity.” A dedicated day where I don’t plan anything so that my heart can lead the way and I get to determine what I feel like doing in each moment. It’s a light-hearted way to be in a state of flow and use my intuition–so different from the typical routine of day to day life. I also enjoy soaking up time in nature, making space to be creative and playful, being with family/friends, and moving my body in all kinds of ways (dancing especially!). Appreciating the simple things in life like watching the leaves change colors, snuggling up with a cozy blanket, or smelling the air after a good rain warms my heart. Poetry sparks my inspiration, live music makes me feel as if everything is right in the world, and deep conversations, with dear friends and strangers alike, bring connection and fulfillment into my life. 

I am honored to share some of my experiences here and talk about why I’m passionate about psychology and the larger field of wellness. I welcome any questions or further conversation about myself and my work–please don’t hesitate to connect with me!  Wishing you all a happy heart and vibrant wellness <3


